Christos Bergeles

Christos Bergeles

Associate Professor of Surgical Robotics

King's College London, United Kingdom

Christos is Associate Professor of Surgical Robotics at King’s College London since 2018. From 2015 to 2018 he was Lecturer (promoted to Associate Professor) at University College London. He has been a Research Fellow at Imperial College London (Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery) and Harvard Medical School (Boston Children’s Hospital). He is an ETH Zurich PhD alumnus, and National Technical University of Athents MSci alumnus. His work focuses on design, modelling and implementation of micro-surgical robotic systems operating under image guidance. He holds an ERC Starting Grant (2017).

  • Visual Servo Control
  • Surgical Robot Design
  • AI Assisted Interventions
Roles in FAROS
  • WP2 contributor