Marie-Aude Vitrani

Marie-Aude Vitrani

Associate Professor in Surgical Robotics

Sorbonne University, France

Prof. dr. ir. Marie-Aude Vitrani, is Associate Professor, tenured, at ISIR since 2008. She obtained her PhD “Ultrasound-based Visual Servoing - Application to cardiac surgery” in 2006 and her HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) “Assistance to ultrasound–probe manipulation” in 2016. She studies the implementation of assistive robotic devices for therapeutic procedures. The implementation of these devices requires the definition of functions that the robotic system must achieve, design of the device, modelling and control. Finally it is necessary to validate the device through in vitro and in vivo experiments. In terms of control, she is particularly interested in the so-called sensor-control and primarily referenced vision. She is the author of 50 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings, and 3 international patents.

  • Surgical Robotics
  • Modeling in Robotics