Valentina Vitiello

Valentina Vitiello

Specialist Technical Operations Manager

King's College London, United Kingdom

Valentina is Specialist Technical Operations Manager at King’s College London, where she manages the GIFT-Surg research programme and is responsible for maintaining regulatory processes for an engineering facility for medical device development and testing. She is actively involved in promoting Development, Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) in the workplace through her role of technical staff representative for the School and Faculty DDI Committees. She is also the DDI Lead for the Technical Network, which connects all technical professionals across King’s and brings King’s Technical Community together to share best practice, facilitate professional development and provide peer support. She is a Medical Engineer by training and was awarded the PhD in Medical Robotics from Imperial College London in 2012. During her PhD and post-doc she was involved with all aspects of the development of robotic devices for surgery, including ethical and regulatory approval matters for medical device certification and clinical translation.

  • Surgical Robotics
  • Medical Devices
  • Project Management
  • Ethics and Compliance
Roles in FAROS
  • Equality Diversity and Inclusion Manager