Scribble-Based Interactive Segmentation of Medical Hyperspectral Images


Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an advanced medical imaging modality that captures optical data across a broad spectral range, providing novel insights into the biochemical composition of tissues. HSI may enable precise differentiation between various tissue types and pathologies, making it particularly valuable for tumour detection, tissue classification, and disease diagnosis. Deep learning-based segmentation methods have shown considerable advancements, offering automated and accurate results. However, these methods face challenges with HSI datasets due to limited annotated data and discrepancies from hardware and acquisition techniques~i̧teclancy2020surgical,studier2023heiporspectral. Variability in clinical protocols also leads to different definitions of structure boundaries. Interactive segmentation methods, utilizing user knowledge and clinical insights, can overcome these issues and achieve precise segmentation results ţezhao2013overview. This work introduces a scribble-based interactive segmentation framework for medical hyperspectral images. The proposed method utilizes deep learning for feature extraction and a geodesic distance map generated from user-provided scribbles to obtain the segmentation results. The experiment results show that utilising the geodesic distance maps based on deep learning-extracted features achieved better segmentation results than geodesic distance maps directly generated from hyperspectral images, reconstructed RGB images, or Euclidean distance maps.

13th Conference on New Technologies for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery