7th FAROS Integration Week in Paris
We are pleased to announce that the 7th FAROS Integration Week has been successfully conducted! Once more, the researchers from all universities gathered for an intense week to work together on the combination and integration of their latest research work in the FAROS platform.

Organized by SpineGuard and held at the ISIR lab of the Sorbonne Université in Paris, the event took place from Nov 27th to Dec 1st 2023. The 18 participants had the opportunity to sit together, exchange, share, and collaborate around the surgical robotic setup. Focused on Pedicle Screw Placement (PSP), most of the week was dedicated on the integration of the latest technological bricks in terms of sensing, robot control and hardware. The results were tested on the last day in a real surgical environment at the Ecole Vétérinaire de Maison Alfort. Many new features were tried, and even though not all experiments were successful, the team learnt a lot and a few successes were achieved. This event paves the way for the final validation of the FAROS platform.
Congratulations to all researchers, and special thanks to François Teyssere for having organized this event.
Looking forward to the Integration Week 8 in Zurich!